Online Blackjack – When to Hit or Stand?

The most common confusion a player has is when they don’t know the best time to hit or stand. A lot of professional players have their own strategy to choose the best time to hit or stand. Some players follow their own strategy to take least risks. Others act boldly and ask to hit when they have a 16. Players who have excelled card counting are very bold. But it is harder to implement with recent advances in technology. When there is a hit, you would need to take another card off the deck. If you have higher odds to reach a hand equal or closer to 21, you can make hit. You rarely say ‘hit me’ or ‘hit’ in the casinos. Tapping the card or table with finger is the common signal.

On the other side, ‘stand’ means you choose to stick with two cards in total. You can do this when card has great possibility of winning or just because there is high chance of bust if you call for another card. You play against the dealer in blackjack, not other players as it is the case at the poker site of Texas Hold’em. The house edge over blackjack player starts at around 5.5%. By standing and hitting properly, you can improve odds by up to 3%.

Dealer’s Card is Ace

It is among the worst case scenarios on blackjack table. Card with value of 10 is something you should keep in mind, including Jack, 10, King and Queen, which is all set to appear than other single card value. The dealer has roughly 4/13 in blackjack in this case. The dealer with Ace has more odds of drawing cards without being busted. You have to play the game aggressively by game by getting good hand like 17 and above, as dealer is about to have strong hand.

Dealer’s Card is 7, 8, or 9

In that case, there is a better odd of winning, as dealer cannot make blackjack. On the other side, there are chances that dealer can get better hand like 17 or above. This is the reason you need stronger hand to deal with. However, both 10 and 11 can give better odd of winning 20 or 21. But you will still have to bust risk and hit 9 or below, 12-16 and stay at 17 or above.

Dealer’s Card is J, 10, Q, or K

There’s still a chance from 1 to 13 that dealer has blackjack and 4-in-13 odd of 20. So, you should have strong hand to deal with. You have good change to make 21 with hit in 11. But you are still at risk of busting and you need to hit 10 or below, hit 12 to 16 and stand at 17 or above.

Dealer’s Card is 4, 5 or 6

It is not good for dealer as a bust is all set to happen. It is also wise to double with 9, 10 or 11. You need to hit 8 or below and stand above 12.

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