How Does Counting Card Work?

When counting cards you actually calculate the chance of a good or bad card. You bet more or less based on that. If there are many good cards on the table, the chance of a bad card is greater. It is then smart to bet less, because you have a higher chance of losing on the next card.

So, card counting is a practice separate from the card game itself. In addition, there are also different ways of counting cards, depending on your skill. You cannot and may not show that you are counting cards.

The game where most cards are counted is Blackjack. It is said to be the most effective way to win a game of Blackjack. It is often the case that you only notice that card counting pays off after several rounds.

There are different degrees of counting systems. The more difficult the counting system, the higher the chance of success. Since card counting is most common in Blackjack, it is a logical step to take that game as an example.

Counting Cards in Blackjack

When you count cards in Blackjack, you give cards a number. Cards 2 to 6 are numbered +1. Cards 7 through 9 are numbered 0. Cards 10 through A are assigned a -1.

Blackjack is all about getting as close to the number 21 as possible, but not higher, and scoring better than the croupier.

If you are counting cards and you have a positive outcome halfway through the game, there are still a lot of high cards in the pot. With each subsequent card, the odds increase that the dealer goes over 21 and loses, and you win. With a positive count you will bet higher and with a negative count you will bet lower.

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