So you have decided to try your luck in the game of blackjack. It looks so profitable and easy if you have watched “The Hangover”, “21” and “Rainman”. Before you put a $10000 buy-in like Alan in “The Hangover”, you should know what you are doing at the table. Avoid these common beginner mistakes to get the most of it –
Making Mistake in Adding Ace(s)
Aces have two values and they are very tricky – one and 11. Consider both totals before doing anything. For example, if you have Ace-Six in your hand, it is worth 17 or 7 at the same time. If another Ace is added, you have 8 and 18. If you add a Three, you have 11 and 21. Ask the dealer if you don’t know about your total. When Ace counts as 11, there is a soft hand. For example, Ace-6 is soft 17. When Ace is counted as one, there is a hard hand. For example, Ace 6 is hard 10.
You should never stand with Ace-Six, Ace-Five, Ace-Four, Ace-Three, and Ace-Two. If the dealer busts, it is the only way to win, even with Soft 17. Some players don’t hit soft hands. Don’t listen to them. Hit Soft 17 or less always.
Playing “What If”
When playing blackjack, reconfiguring the hand after dealing all the cards is the most annoying way. A player makes sequence to get another outcome many times when dealer makes hand. For example, if he stayed on Soft 17 but she had hit 12 and she had doubled on 2-card 8, dealer would have busted. Each person pays to play cards the way they like. There are some blackjack pros. But most are not. If you don’t like how other people play, you need to find a different table. Be ready for next group to be worse.
Showing off
In a casino vibe, some players are used to show off their craze for risk. They bet more than their affordability and make stupid decisions just because they get there for gamble. Blackjack can be the game to beat but you should know why you are playing. You shouldn’t do it to impress strangers or friends next to you. Keep your bets to minimum especially when you are a beginner. If you luckily win two or three hands at the same time, don’t consider yourself invincible. Don’t double an eight or seven or don’t split face cards.