Betting is one of the most popular activity engaging numerous people within, and with the introduction of online casinos, this admiration has increased to extent. According to the statistical report, the gambling market rate from the year 2009 to 2018 has enhanced from being 37.91 billion dollars to 59.79 billion dollars. This clearly depicts about people’s fondness for betting and gambling which is obviously going to experience a huge hike in future.
Sports betting, being an interesting version of betting sector fascinates people towards it. This is basically the process of predicting the sports results while placing a gamble on the same. With several different sports like cricket, basketball, Horse Racing Singapore being a part of this, the game brings people a huge opportunity to make money out of betting.
Although, it is not that easy to win some good amount of money out of such activities. But the way a person bets configures a lot. There are many different ways to place wagers on sports successfully, some of which are.
Fixed Odds:This is one of the traditional ways to place bets on sports where a person has to wager on the results of game. Basically, a person is required to pick a team or a player while being confident about its winning; and if, it wins, well, you know the winner.
Live betting: Now, this type of sports betting is the one that allow people to bet on sports, somewhat like fixed odds with a slight difference in the process. Alike traditional betting system, this allows people to only place bets after starting of the game. So, one can place a bet anytime during the game but not before it started or after it ended.
Exchange betting: One of the most favourable methods used by bet placers that includes one major difference from any other method discussed above. Exchange betting does not involve the role of bookmakers. This basically is the process, where wagers are placed directly between the bettors. Exchange betting is the type where a bettor and a bookmaker are one in a same person.
Spread betting: This type of betting is actually not very much widespread or popular by now, although it does involve one completely different and complicated method in placing bets. Not only does this type of betting involves irrelevant odds, but a person does not even have their stake amount fixed here.
Pari-Mutuel Betting: One of the well-known methods that was invented in 19th century by a man named Joseph Oller. The idea in this type of betting is pretty simple, eliminating the need of any kind of bookmaker. The method includes a “pool” where every person’s wager on some particular game is placed, and as the game approached towards an end, the winning wagers are paid out of the same pool.